Project summary and progress of SMART MLA project by the end of 2019

Summary of Activities in 2019


Technology layer


  • WP2 - Layer based optimization algorithms:


  1. i) Layer 1 - Community aggregator (No control): optimization algorithms designed and developed (Matlab). Tested with generic and realistic consumer electric appliance parameters. The algorithm provides potential savings of a community aggregator if its consumers consider demand side management themselves. This tool at layer 1 is mainly aimed to improve awareness of the consumers in demand side management programs, flexibility concepts, and potential savings form flexibility. The optimization algorithms, which run at a server in Turkey, are integrated with database, which is configured at a server in Romania, through a user-interface. Such configuration enables testing and validating the algorithms on a cloud-based web service.


  1. ii) Layer 2 - Community aggregator with control to appliances: optimization algorithms designed and developed (GAMS). Tested with generic and realistic consumer electric appliance parameters. This tool at layer 2 shows potential savings of an aggregator which has a control on flexible loads of its consumers. The optimization algorithms, which run at a server in Denmark, are integrated with database, which is configured at a server in Romania, through a user-interface (to test / validate algorithms on a cloud-based web service).


  1. ii) Layer 3 - Flexibility market concept: optimization algorithms designed and developed (GAMS). Tested with generic and realistic consumer electric appliance parameters and generic electric distribution grid model (not realistic grid model yet). This tool at layer 3 shows potential savings of aggregators and distribution system operator (DSO) from a flexibility market that is operated by a DSO.


  • WP3 - Data framework & cloud-based web-service:


We are developing a scalable cloud-based platform to provide access to consumers/prosumers and aggregators/DSOs to a complex data framework and models allowing big data and real-time analytics including forecasting, optimization, profiling, and business models.


  1. i) Design and development of data framework including IoT/SM, BG-tier, RB-tier, DW-tier. Almost completed (deadline is end of Apr. 2020 according to the project plan). Tested for Layer 1 - Community Aggregator (No Control) satisfactorily.


  1. ii) Design and development of cloud-based web-service tool. Completed and tested for Layer 1 - Community Aggregator (No Control). Ongoing for Layer 2 and Layer 2 concepts.


iii) Monitoring and control (hardware, software, telecommunication, devices, standards). Design is ongoing inline with the project plan. (Deadline of the task is July 2021.)


  • WP4 - Business model development (Market Layer & Adoption Layer):


Studies on WP4 has started at Nov. 2019 and will continue in 2020 up to end of the project (Oct. 2021), as planned. Market layer and adoption layer aspects will be addressed under WP4. In the scope of addressing market and adoption layers, a workshop is planned in 2020 with the participation of stakeholders in Norway. Stakeholders include technology developers and potential users of the developed solutions in the project.


  • WP5 - Testing & Validating & Integration


  1. i) Layer 1 - Community aggregator (No control). Ongoing (started at Oct. 2019 to be ended by the end of Apr. 2020).


  1. ii) Layer 2 - CA with control. Not started yet inline with the project plan.


iii) Layer 3 - AWEM aggregator perspective. Not started yet inline with the project plan.


  1. iv) Layer 3 - AWEM DSO perspective. Not started yet inline with the project plan


  1. v) Integration of the layer-based DR solutions through cloud-based web-service application tool. Not started yet inline with the project plans.



Market Layer


WP2 of the project addresses aggregation mechanisms to increase flexibility of power systems. Flexibility is aimed to be increased in terms of both demand side management and renewable generation curtailment management (as necessary) through aggregator mechanisms. In the scope of WP2 Task 2.a.3, flexibility market concepts are being investigated. This tool at layer 3 shows potential savings of aggregators and distribution system operator (DSO) from a flexibility market, which is operated by a DSO, will be quantified in the project by means of optimization algorithms being developed in the project.


WP2 of the project addresses improving awareness of consumers regarding savings by demand side management. In the scope of WP2 Task 2.a.1 (Layer 1 Community aggregator (No control)), optimization algorithms designed, developed and tested with generic and realistic consumer electric appliance parameters. The algorithm provides potential savings of a community aggregator if its consumers consider demand side management themselves. It is aimed to integrate the algorithms with cloud-based web-service platform through a friendly user interface (ongoing). This module of the platform will provide a tool which users can assess how much they can reduce their electric bills by optimization of their usage based on electric prices and comfort constraints. The cloud-based web-service platform being developed in the project will provide a web-based environment which community aggregators  (CA) can use for implementing demand side management programs. Main scope of SMART-MLA is to develop cloud-based multi-layer aggregator ICT solutions to facilitate optimum demand response (DR) and grid flexibility to energy systems to utilize up to 100% renewable energy. Multi-layer aggregator solutions to facilitate optimum demand response (DR) and grid flexibility for different electricity markets in terms of structure and regulations are being developed.


Adoption Layer


Main scope of SMART-MLA is to develop cloud-based multi-layer aggregator ICT solutions to facilitate optimum demand response (DR) and grid flexibility to energy systems to utilize up to 100% renewable energy. It is aimed to increase the awareness/involvement of consumers/communities on DR aggregating mechanisms in countries even where relevant legislation is still in process. Regarding the consumers awareness and adoption, our objective is to develop user-friendly interfaces accessible as web-services developed in CC architecture that allow them to configure, schedule, control and monitor their appliances via mobile applications. For aggregators, they will access the web-services to analyze, plan and forecast the consumption/generation in a secure environment, without additional investments in high-reliability and low-latency ICT infrastructure.


Smart Energy / Regional / City Development projects and programmes involved in 2019


1) Advisory Board Meeting, Supergrid Company, Stockholm, June 12, 2019.

2) METU Smart Campus Project (iEAST) workshop, 18 Jan. 2019, METU, Ankara, Turkey

3) International Conference on “New Technologies, Development and Applications”, 27-29 June, 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

4) IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, May, 20-24, Shanghai, China, 2019.

5) 5th International Conference on Connected Smart Cities (CSC) 2019. Porto, Portugal, 17-19 Jul. 2019.

6) 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing. Sinaia, Romania, 2019.

7) 18th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, IE 2019, Bucharest.

8) 8th International Conference “Global Economy Under Crisis” (GEUC), 14-15.11.2019

9) Symposium of Savings on Electricity Transmission and Generation 24.02.2020 Ankara, Turkey


Expected developments in 2020


WP1 - Project management. Activities will continue in 2020 as planned.


WP2 - Layer based optimization algorithms (Technology Layer): 1st milestone of the project under WP2 Task 2.a.1 - Layer 1 - Community aggregator (No control) has already completed in 2019 (Oct.) satisfactorily, inline with the project plan. 2nd milestone of the project is also under WP2 Task 2.a - Optimization algorithms design and development. It is planned to be completed in Oct. 2020 (i.e. end of WP2). Studies are ongoing satisfactorily align with this target.


WP3 - Data framework & cloud-based web-service (Technology Layer): 3rd milestone is in WP3 Task 3.a.1 - Design and development of data framework. It is planned to be completed by the end of Apr. 2020. So far, significant developments have been made in this task and design is already completed in 2019 along with implementations for Layer 1 - Community aggregator. Developments for Layer 2 & 3 are almost completed - tests are ongoing and intended to be completed by the end of Apr. 2020. WP3 studies will continue in 2020 on; Task 3.a.2 - Design and development of cloud-based web-service tool; and Task 3.b - Monitoring and control. Plan is to complete WP3 activities by the end of Jan. 2021 inline with the project plan.


WP4 - Business model development (Market Layer & Adoption Layer): Studies on WP4 has started at Nov. 2019 and will continue in 2020 up to end of the project (Oct. 2021), as planned. Market layer and adoption layer aspects will be addressed under WP4. In the scope of addressing market and adoption layers, a workshop is planned in 2020 with the participation of stakeholders in Norway. Stakeholders include technology developers and potential users of the developed solutions in the project.


WP5 - Testing & Validating & Integration (Technology Layer & Adoption Layer): Studies on WP4 has started at Nov. 2019 and will continue in 2020 up to end of the project (Oct. 2021), as planned. The web-based platform, which is being developed in the project, will be opened to potential users worldwide for testing (adoption). Dissemination: Several papers already published in 2019 and intended to continue in 2020 (see project website: https://smartmla. These papers essentially contribute achieving impact with respect to the science community, stakeholders and society.